Monday, June 29, 2009


Well the USA fell about twenty minutes short of beating Brazil yesterday. Watching the game the amount of confidence the team had at the beginning of the game was awesome. It was fun to watch how good the our team can play when they are firing on all cylinders. The defense was tight and passes were crisp. The world saw how good a USA team can play and if nothing else they will at least be cautious when they play us in the future. Two players I thought played outstanding; Charlie Davies and Landon Donavan. The amount of energy Davies brought to the front line was huge momentum for the USA team. Donavan played some of the best soccer I have seen him play in this last tournament. People will talk about the amount of goals Dempsey scored but the play from Donavan deserved the number 10 on his jersey. However there was one person on the field who without his play the USA would have been in trouble early; Tim Howard. He established himself as one of the best if not the best keeper in the world. Yes he let in a few late goals but who could have stopped the Brazilians and the attack they were putting on for an entire game. Having a clean sheet for a half on that amazing team is impressive in itself. Howard made a couple saves look routine which any other keeper would struggle to make.

This brings me to another point Keller was one of the best keepers in the world when he was playing for the USA. The amount of work he did for the team needs to be congratulated. Howard will be a great replacement, we have been luck with keepers here and hope the skill at this position continues as the rest of the team continues to fill out and mature into what will hopefully become a contender within the ranks of world soccer.

Saturday, June 27, 2009

On the NBA Draft

I did not watch much of the NBA draft live. What i did watch of the draft was entertaining. The amount of trades and deals struck on draft day was fun to watch. It was however hard to tell who your favorite players were going to play for. I would see one of my favorite players go to one team only to have an update come across the screen seconds later saying he was playing for a different team. This draft had a number of players who could be good. There didn't seem to be any players who are going to have a large impact on the NBA right away. Blake Griffin may have had the most impressive numbers of any player since Tim Duncan, but with every player in the NBA having nearly the same physical ability his domination seems to me as though it is going to be limited. There do seem to be a number of different very talented point guards. I don't know if any of them are going to be Chris Paul or Tony Parker good but have the potential to start and run the offense for their respective teams.

Friday, June 26, 2009

U.S.A..... U.S.A..... U.S.A.

I am a huge soccer fan. In case anyone lives in a box. The USA soccer team some how pulled off one of the greatest wins in our own soccer history day before yesterday. I understand soccer isn't the most popular sport here in the states. It is one of the major sports we do not even come close to dominating in. However the win verse Spain looks to be the start of something possibly real for American soccer. Two young players scored for the US in the game Jozy Altidore and Clint Dempsey. Both players are emerging a good players for their respective teams in Europe. While I personally have always felt Dempsey holds the ball for too long too often. Altidore has shown real promise. Being only 19 years old and being build like a typical football running back or db, he could be a turning point in American Soccer. Next year he will be playing his second season in La Liga. With his build and age things could be looking up if a number of players who are our (the USA's) best athletes start to play soccer. Sports such as football, basketball, and track have taken away a number of players who easily would have been great soccer players. Could you imagine having Kobe Bryant in the middle heading the ball on a cross, or opposition trying to cover Reggie Bush streaking onto a ball behind the defense? If Altidore is able to become a force in the European ranks more young kids may see how they can become a world wide star through the sport. The world could be seeing a completely different outlook of athletes they have to face when they see the United States on the schedule.

First Post

I have noticed there are a number of athletes who have their own blogs to keep their fans updated. This has recently changed to tweeting. I plan on using this blog to express my humble opinions to different fans or really anyone who wants to read someone else’s opinion that isn’t getting paid. The topics I plan on pursuing are limited only by the sports I am able to follow at one time. I have played a number of different sports ranging from swimming to soccer to basketball. Hopefully my readers (if there are any of you out there) will at least be amused at the strange topics I follow and my opinions on those topics.